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vacuum pump and suction out all the old fluid

Not sure how to change your cars brake fluid? Check out the step by step instructions below to learn how you can change it yourself. Take a wrench and loosen the bleeder valve just a little bit.A very important question that many people dont know the answer to, How often should you change your vehicles brake fluid?Answer: You should change your cars brake fluid every 2 years or every 24,000 miles, which ever one comes first. Brake fluid over time can get dirty and start to thicken. Changing your cars brake fluid is a very important part in how your vehicle runs.3. (It may come out dirty at first and have a few bubbles. Once your canister pump is all the way full, get your clean rag and put it around the tip of the hose to avoid having it leak over your vehicle. You never want to have a dark or thick color fluid.13.


Follow these simple steps and you will be on your way to changing your cars brake fluid in no time. Once it starts to reach that level it is long over due for a change. If your fluid color is dark you will definitely want to consider changing your brake fluid.You may notice that your pedal will go all the way down to the floor and the ABS light may come on. By changing your own brake fluid you can avoid going to the automotive shops and learn to take good care of your vehicle. Take off the cap and suction your vacuum pump to it. To help keep your car running smoothly, and out of the shop you will want to make sure you give your car the attention and maintenance it needs.Changing your cars brake fluid seems very intimidating at first but it is a very easy way to save money. This will avoid having dust get in your fluid and any dirt that doesnt belong there.


Go back to your master cylinder up from and add some more of the new fluid to it. When you place the tube into the master cylinder to suck out the fluids, be sure to make sure the hose is all the way down to the bottom. Keep suctioning and emptying until all the fluid is out of the brake master cylinder. If this happens, try to pump your brake about 10-15 times and it will firm up.15.C. Once youve finished the work up front and all four of your tires, you will now want to test your vehicle. You will want to now locate your cars brake master cylinder.) Give it around 15-25 pumps. you will want to search for the cap. If you dont place it in far enough you may not get all of the old oil. Make sure you are in an area with some room and that your vehicle is shut off.6.5.18. Now put the canister on the pump, (this becomes the reservoir) and drain the master cylinder. get a clean rag and wipe down the area. Once all the fluid is out of the B.19. Now, pump your vacuum pump until all the old brake fluid comes out.C. If you notice that it doesnt turn off the first time try to unhook your battery so that the computer will reset. Think of where your pedal would be located. Instead, your fluid should look similar to a light, very pale brownish color.Step by step instructions for changing your vehicles brake fluid.


Repeat these steps for the other three tires.M. Loosen the cap to take it off and check out the fluids color.The ABS light will go off after you turn it off and back on again. Take out your vacuum pump and suction out all the old fluid out of the master cylinder.9. Not sure where this is? Look for something that is on the drivers side of the car, next to the engine.8. Since all your fluid is out, you will want to get your new brake fluid and pour it to the line that says full.1Supplies needed. Brake fluid based on your vehicle A brake bleeding kit vacuum Drip pan A clean ragNot sure what kind of brake fluid you need? Check your owners manual or ask a associate at an automotive store.4.Has it been a while since you last changed your cars brake fluid? If so, you may want 5Pcs wrench set to give your car some attention on that. By each tire there is a bleeder valve. (It should be lower because youre draining it through the bleeder valves.12. Once it is full, you will now need to take all the wheels off of your vehicle and get out the vacuum pump again. Now that youve located your B. Once you have a place to work you will want to pop your cars hood.